Ukraine-Switzerland joint communiqué: Peace Formula meeting in Davos laid preconditions for heads of state, govt summit

The security of Ukraine is an integral part of world and regional security, therefore a war against our state is one of the main destabilizing factors in the world, according to a joint communique from Switzerland and Ukraine, co-chairs of the fourth meeting of national security and foreign policy advisers
The meeting took place in Davos on January 14.
"Because of this, peace efforts need to be greatly increased to end the war in a just and comprehensive manner. The task of the international community is not only to end the war, but also to overcome the consequences of all the crises that it generated throughout the world," according to the communiqué.
It is also noted that a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace for Ukraine and the whole world must be based on the UN Charter, relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and key principles of international law.
"This meeting laid the necessary preconditions for preparing a meeting of leaders of countries and governments, which can give a start at a high level to create a universal basis for a joint vision and ways to achieve a comprehensive, just and strong peace for Ukraine based on the Ukrainian Peace Formula. The leaders' meeting may also give rise to thematic meetings in different countries at ministerial, parliamentary, expert and other levels to prepare detailed proposals for leaders," according to the communiqué.