20:32 04.10.2023

Polish govt rep: Assistance to Ukrainian refugees to be gradually cancelled in 2024

1 min read
Polish govt rep: Assistance to Ukrainian refugees to be gradually cancelled in 2024

Poland will gradually cancel the provision of financial assistance to refugees from Ukraine in 2024, since the earlier decision is temporary, Polish government spokesman Piotr Müller said in an interview with PAP.

"... These decisions [on financial assistance], which were taken after the outbreak of the war, are temporary, and that's all I can say," Müller replied to a question about extending assistance to Ukrainian refugees.

At the same time, the Polish politician pointed out that the stage when "Ukrainians fled their country en masse from the war is already over," so decisions on financial assistance will be gradually canceled, which follows from the law of March 12, 2022 "On assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine."

Müller added that it is likely that the cancellation period of the aid will begin "in the first quarter" of the next year.