19:43 05.09.2023

Half of Ukrainian refugees employed in EU, only 13% speak well language of host country – poll

4 min read
Half of Ukrainian refugees employed in EU, only 13% speak well language of host country – poll

Some 49% of Ukrainian refugees in Europe, who arrived there after Russia's full-scale invasion in 2022, are employed, while among those who arrived in the EU before the invasion this number reaches 74%, according to the results of the All-European Study of Ukrainians in Europe, which was conducted by the Rating Sociological Group on July 4-11.

Most of the employed Ukrainians are in Eastern Europe (67%), while the least is in Western Europe (35%). The least employed Ukrainians came from the south and east of the country, as well as from Kyiv.

Among the employed, more than 80% have a job in the host country, 14% - in Ukraine or in several countries at once. The level of employment among men is almost 1.5 times higher than among women.

Among the unemployed, a quarter are actively looking for a job, another 39% are thinking about it, while a third is not looking for a job. The polled Ukrainians in Western Europe are the least engaged in job search.

At the same time, respondents who are in Eastern Europe more often talk about cases of refusal to hire Ukrainian refugees. This opinion is especially popular among Ukrainian youth, who have recently arrived in the EU countries.

The most common employment problems for Ukrainians in Europe are the language barrier (73%), unskilled work (29%), low-paid work (19%), non-recognition of a Ukrainian education diploma (14%).

Only 13% of surveyed Ukrainians in Europe speak the language of the host country at a high level, another 20% - at an average level, which allows them to keep up a conversation or read short texts. Some 29% have a basic level that allows them to communicate at the everyday level and requires knowledge of simple phrases. The rest are entry-level or do not speak at all.

The best level of language proficiency among Ukrainians is in southern and eastern Europe, the worst is in northern Europe. The longer Ukrainians stay in Europe, the higher level of knowledge of the local language they demonstrate. Indeed, among Ukrainians who have been abroad for more than a few years, 58% have a high or average level, while among those who have been abroad for several months - only 7%. Senior people face the biggest problems with mastering these skills. Young people are showing much more progress.

Around 40% of Ukrainians attend language courses of the host country, another 20% plan to do so. Most often, language courses are attended by Ukrainians who are in western (61%) and northern (55%) Europe, least – in eastern (24%). Students and people who are looking for a job learn the language of their host country more often. Language courses are more often attended by people of middle and pre-retirement age.

The majority of those who speak the local language well are employed. Also, Ukrainians who arrived relatively recently and are looking for opportunities to stay in the host country are looking for a job, actively learning the local language, having relatively low incomes.

The poll was conducted using the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing) method among 2,116 Ukrainians older than 18 who found temporary shelter in 31 European countries after February 24, 2022. The results were processed with the help of the latest data of the UNHC (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). The margin error of the survey with a probability of 0.95 does not exceed 3.2%.

The poll was conducted using the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing) method among 2,116 Ukrainians older than 18 who found temporary shelter in 31 European countries after February 24, 2022. The results were processed with the help of the latest data of the UNHC (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). The margin error of the survey with a probability of 0.95 does not exceed 3.2%.