19:07 14.02.2023

Govt makes changes to public counter terrorism system

1 min read
Govt makes changes to public counter terrorism system

At a meeting on Tuesday, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced amendments to the regulation on a unified public system for preventing, responding to and stopping terrorist acts and minimizing their consequences, Taras Melnychuk, a representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada, said on his Telegram channel.

The list of measures taken by the subjects of the fight against terrorism according to the Yellow threat level has been expanded, according to which such subjects provide the Anti-Terrorism Center under the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) with forces and means for conducting an anti-terrorist operation and carry out other measures aimed at preventing and stopping terrorist activities.

The list of measures carried out by the Anti-Terrorist Center under the SBU has also been expanded for the Yellow threat level, according to which this Center will develop or refine a plan for conducting an anti-terrorist operation, determine the need for attracted forces and means, and will coordinate and organize measures to prevent terrorist activities, as well as the actions of the units and forces involved; will ensure the involvement of all or individual subjects of the fight against terrorism, forces and means for the anti-terrorist operation.