17:27 10.02.2023

Home of ex-MP searched in Sakhalynske oil and gas field case

2 min read

The State Bureau of Investigations (SBI), together with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), has uncovered the illegal activities of former high-ranking officials who received illegal super-profits from gas production from the state-owned subsoil.

"According to the investigation materials, thanks to the illegal activities of officials of PJSC Nadra Ukrainy and some commercial structures, Ukraine has lost the right to the Sakhalynske oil and gas field in Kharkiv region. And this happened notwithstanding the fact that over UAH 1 billion was spent from the state budget to develop this field. According to geological exploration data, gas deposits at this facility amount to at least 15 billion cubic meters," the SBU said on its website.

According to the SBU, on Friday, searches were performed at the place of actual residence of the defendants and in the office premises of the respective companies, the ultimate beneficiaries of which are the Russian oligarch and the former MP of Ukraine of the VIII convocation. The defendants were not named.

"Today, law enforcement officers searched the home of the former MP of Ukraine of the VIII convocation. By prior agreement with officials of the PJSC Nadra Ukrainy, the State Geologic and Subsoil Service of Ukraine, Sakhalynske LLC and commercial structures from 2003 to 2022, he caused significant damage to the state. The possible size of damage can reach hundreds of millions of hryvnias," the SBI said on its website.

Under the patronage of the ex-MP, public structures provided gas production licenses in violation of procedures, due to which the cost of raw materials and real production volumes at the state-owned field were underestimated. The organizers of the transaction appropriated the difference.

An investigation is underway in criminal proceedings over abuse of office, entailing grave consequences (Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The Prosecutor General's Office is involved in procedural guidance of the case.

According to media reports, the case concern former MP from the People's Front party Ihor Kotvytsky and Pavlo Fuks. Kotvytsky is a major beneficiary of Sakhalynske LLC.