16:33 08.09.2022

Melitopol City Council deprives of mandates seven deputies-collaborators, to appeal to central authorities about arrest of their property

2 min read
Melitopol City Council deprives of mandates seven deputies-collaborators, to appeal to central authorities about arrest of their property

Melitopol City Council at an extraordinary session deprived the powers of seven deputies who cooperated with the Russian occupiers, and instructed the executive committee to appeal to the central authorities about the seizure of their property, said mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov.

"The extraordinary session, the 20th, was convened on two important issues. First of all, we deprived seven traitor deputies of their parliamentary mandates, who turned out to be in Melitopol City Council and today serve not the Ukrainian people who elected them, but the enemy and agreed to collaborate," he said on the air of the national telethon #UA on Thursday.

At the same time, Fedorov stressed that out of 42 deputies of Melitopol City Council, only seven cooperate with the occupiers.

The second decision of the session of the City Council, according to him, was the instruction of the executive committee to appeal to the central authorities in order to "block and arrest all the property of collaborators and traitors." The Mayor of Melitopol expects that such decisions will be made soon.

"We have already written more than 200 statements to the law enforcement agencies regarding collaborators and traitors, so all criminal proceedings have been initiated and the investigation is underway. Many of them have already been handed suspicions," Fedorov added.