18:09 06.04.2022

EXANTE intl broker donates $1 mln to UNICEF to help Ukraine

2 min read

EXANTE, an international broker licensed in Cyprus and active in the Ukrainian markets, announced a $1 million donation to UNICEF to help children and families affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine.

"Our company was founded on the belief that freedom is an inherent human right, and at times like these it's more important than ever. As a result, our shareholders feel compelled to take action - after all, actions speak louder than words. Whilst we cannot change what's happening, together with our colleagues and clients we hope that the money donated will truly make a difference and help the thousands of children and families affected," Alexey Kirienko, the CEO of EXANTE, said.

"UNICEF is rapidly scaling up its humanitarian response in Ukraine and in neighboring countries. To date, UNICEF has delivered 858 tonnes of emergency supplies, including health supplies, hygiene kits, education and recreation supplies for children and adolescents, in addition to winter clothing," the report says.

"UNICEF is appealing for $349 million to provide critical life-saving support for children and their families. This includes $ 276 million to respond to immediate needs within Ukraine and $ 73 million for humanitarian needs in neighboring countries. This funding will help to support over 3.5 million people, including 2.2 million children," it states.

Founded in 2011, EXANTE describes itself as a wealth-tech company providing centralized investment solutions and infrastructure for financial institutions. The company employs over 500 people and manages $1.6 billion.