20:00 04.03.2022

DTEK agrees to supply additional batch of coal from Poland

2 min read

DTEK Energy has agreed to supply an additional batch of imported coal from Poland to support the operation of the thermal power plant during the war with Russia, the company said in a press release on Friday.

According to it, DTEK Energy, under a contract with the Bogdanka coal mining company, agreed to supply 60,000 tonnes of thermal coal from Poland. Coal is expected to arrive at the company's TPPs during March.

"Today, the whole world is in solidarity with us. Both power engineers and coal enterprises from other countries are in solidarity. In the meantime, our power engineers continue to do their job: continuously supply electricity, miners extract coal to provide fuel for stations, and machine builders repair and produce equipment. We are bringing victory closer with daily calm work," CEO of DTEK Energy Ildar Saleev said.

According to the company, as of March 4, 23 power units of DTEK Energy's TPP are operating in the system. A total of 502,000 tonnes of coal are in the warehouses of power plants (excluding the reserves of Luhansk TPP), regular supply of coal in sufficient quantities is provided. The exception is Luhanska TPP, which was stopped due to hostilities, and Zaporizhia TPP, the replenishment of warehouses of which was suspended due to damage to the track and suspension of railway communication in the region.