11:19 03.03.2022

State budget has surplus of UAH 24 bln in Jan-Feb – Ministry of Finance

3 min read

The state budget in January-February 2022 had a surplus in the amount of UAH 24 billion, including a surplus of UAH 13.1 billion for the general fund, with a planned deficit of the general fund for this period of UAH 66.2 billion, the Ministry of Finance reported on its website with a link to the operational data of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine.

According to the ministry, in February 2022, the general fund receipts target was met by 129.3%, or UAH 23.7 billion more than the plan, the receipts of the general fund in February amounted to UAH 104.6 billion.

The Ministry of Finance said that tax receipts target in February was met by 110.1% or UAH 4.4 billion more and amounted to UAH 48.6 billion, in particular UAH 12.6 billion from personal income tax, UAH 12.3 billion from VAT (UAH 24.4 billion collected, UAH 12.1 billion reimbursed from the budget), UAH 8.3 billion from corporate income tax, UAH 6.3 billion from subsoil use royalty, UAH 4.3 billion from excise tax on manufactured goods in Ukraine.

Customs transferred UAH 34.9 billion to the general fund in February. At the same time, the Ministry of Finance said that the list for customs was additionally increased in February by UAH 2.2 billion to finance the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, even the increased list was met by customs by 102.3% or UAH 0.8 billion more.

As for customs receipts, UAH 32.5 billion of the total amount came in the form of VAT, UAH 2.3 billion from import duties.

Single social security contributions in February amounted to UAH 34 billion, which is UAH 4.8 billion higher than expected, the Finance Ministry added.

The cash expenditures of the general fund of the state budget in January-February 2022 were met by 80.4% and amounted to UAH 172 billion, according to the ministry.

"With the start of hostilities on February 24, 2022 between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, budget financing is carried out in full and exclusively for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and social payments to the population (aid, salaries, pensions)," the Finance Ministry said.

In fact, state borrowings to the general fund of the state budget in January-February 2022 amounted to UAH 17.9 billion. Of these, the placement of government domestic loan bonds brought UAH 16.6 billion to the budget, including UAH 4.8 billion in foreign currency (($159.8 million and EUR 7.1 million). From external sources, the Ministry of Finance attracted UAH 1.3 billion, in particular: UAH 0.1 billion ($3.5 million) a loan from IBRD under the Program on Accelerating Private Investment in Agriculture, UAH 1.2 billion ($40 million) a loan from the IBRD under the second additional financing aimed at addressing the impacts of COVID-19, according to the data of the Ministry of Finance.

At the same time, the repayment of public debt in January-February 2022 amounted to UAH 76.4 billion, service payments reached UAH 24.5 billion, the ministry added.