09:39 14.01.2021

Internet from Ukrtelecom available in more than 3,300 settlements in Ukraine - company

1 min read
Internet from Ukrtelecom available in more than 3,300 settlements in Ukraine - company

As of the beginning of 2021, the residents of 3,322 settlements of Ukraine use the Internet from Ukrtelecom, according to the company's report compiled for the National Commission for Communications Regulation (NCCR).

"Ukrtelecom timely provided the NCCR and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine with a complete list of settlements in terms of technologies (xDSL, Wi-Fi, FTTx, xPON), where residents of the country use its access to the Internet. As of the beginning of 2021, the Internet from Ukrtelecom is used in 3,322 settlements of the country," the operator and provider said in a statement.

The company said that before that Ukrtelecom reported only about the settlements where its network equipment was installed. The current data additionally take into account settlements with a distribution network.

Earlier, the Internet Association of Ukraine applied to the NCCR with a request to extend the period for providing information on the possibility of the actual provision of wired and wireless Internet access services by operators until January 25, 2021, having received the appropriate consent from the regulator.

Ukrtelecom is the largest fixed line operator in Ukraine, a significant part of its clients are government agencies, educational, administrative and medical institutions, emergency services.