10:44 21.08.2020

Ukrainians must go through 14 days of self-isolation after arriving in Slovenia

1 min read
Ukrainians must go through 14 days of self-isolation after arriving in Slovenia

The Slovenian government has issued a decree on the adoption and implementation of measures to prevent the spread of the infectious disease COVID-19, according to which Ukraine has been included in the "red list" of countries from August 21, so Ukrainians must go through a two-week self-isolation upon arrival in Slovenia.

"A 14-day quarantine has been established for all persons entering Slovenia who have permanent or temporary residence in countries included in the red list, as well as for all persons, regardless of citizenship or country of residence, who arrive in Slovenia from these countries," the Government of Slovenia said on its website on Thursday.

In total, 74 countries are on the "red list" of Slovenia, including neighboring Croatia. Other neighboring countries - Hungary, Italy and Austria - are on Slovenia's green list.