10:44 03.08.2020

Kravchuk invites representatives of occupied Donbas to formulate their view of these territories' future

3 min read
Kravchuk invites representatives of occupied Donbas to formulate their view of these territories' future

The head of Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group to settle the situation in Donbas, the first president of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, believes that representatives of the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions should clearly articulate how they see the future of the so-called ORDLO.

"Judging by their statements, the "elections" that have already taken place there, they [representatives of ORDLO] want autonomy, federalization. They want this to be a territory with signs not only of some kind of "special status of government", but that it there was a territory with signs of statehood. That is, they take very high. Russia is still talking about a "special status", as it is written in the Minsk documents. But there they wrote down so that we do not know what it means," he said on air of Ukraine 24 TV channel on Saturday, August 1.

Kravchuk recalled that when the events in Donbas began, he had already addressed the leaders of the so-called "DPR" and "LPR" on one of the TV channels so that they could prepare written proposals on what they wanted to have on the territory of these regions. "Either it is a 'Special status', or it is something with signs of statehood, or it is an autonomy. Write down what steps you could take so that there is a compromise, so that you can negotiate. I have not received any answer," he said.

Kravchuk said also that he speaks of a "special management system" in these territories, since, in his opinion, management there cannot duplicate those management schemes that exist in other regions, because ORDLO has developed quite complex and not similar to other regions of Ukraine situation.

Kravchuk believes that Ukraine should not negotiate with representatives of ORDLO at a level of the president, at a high state level, but it is necessary to look for formats when other negotiators can conduct a dialogue, for example, with Ukraine's First Prime Minister Vitold Fokin, if he appointed as a member of Ukrainian delegation to the TCG.

"There are people there who are not tied to purely political issues. Perhaps there could be scientists, someone else. You can create from this side and from the other side, and start talking at this level. So that it does not look like the state level at once. And when they write a roadmap and this map is agreed upon, then it will be possible to raise the issue at a higher level for a final decision," he said.