20:31 28.02.2011

Antonov examining proposal to assembly Russian-Ukrainian An-140 in Kazakhstan

1 min read

Representatives of Kyiv-based Antonov State Aviation Concern and a Kazakh enterprise have discussed a project to assembly the Russian-Ukrainian An-140 aircraft in Kazakhstan, Antonov Enterprise Deputy General Designer Oleksandr Kiva told journalists in Kyiv on Monday.

According to him, the Kazakh party, which made this proposal, is interested in the supplies of the An-140 aircraft as well as the improvement of this aircraft.

The project is proposed as a tripartite cooperation of Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan, Kiva said. During the first stage, Kazakhstan will be assembling An-140 from the components produces in Ukraine and the Russian Federation, he said.

According to him, if the project enters the stage of practical implementation, the assembly of An-140 in Kazakhstan will start in 2012.

Kazakhstan estimates the demand of the local market for the An-140 at 90 aircraft, Kiva said.