17:38 04.06.2019

Secretary, chairman of SBI's public control council submit statements attesting to Truba's crimes - Lysenko

2 min read
Secretary, chairman of SBI's public control council submit statements attesting to Truba's crimes - Lysenko

 On May 31, a statement on criminal acts committed by the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) Director Roman Truba was received from the secretary and chairman of the SBI's public control council, Spokesman for Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) has said.

Lysenko said on Facebook on Monday that the statement attests to the fact that Truba committed a number of criminal acts, including deliberate non-compliance of a court decision that had entered legal force, committed by an official occupying high office (Part 3 of Article 382 of Ukraine's Criminal Code, professional negligence (Part 1 of Article 367 of Ukraine's Criminal Code), abuse of office (Part 1 of Article 364 of Ukraine's Criminal Code) and divulging information of a pretrial investigation (Part 2 of Article 387 of Ukraine's Criminal Code).

Lysenko said on June 3 the PGO entered into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations information about the alleged offenses by the SBI director under Part 3 of Article 382 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (resolution of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv dated April 19 in case No. 640/6315/19 is contained in the Unified State Register of Court Decisions at http://www.reyestr.court.gov. Ua / Review / 81477234).

The implementation of the pretrial investigation of the criminal proceedings on the same day was entrusted to the Chief Investigation Department of the National Police of Ukraine. A group of prosecutors supervising the observance of laws during the pretrial investigation was identified from among PGO employees.

"According to the results of the pretrial investigation, a decision will be made to include information on possible other facts of Truba's illegal activities in the register," Lysenko said.