12:55 22.11.2018

Ukraine to demand at TCG that Russia dissolve all institutions created as result of illegitimate elections in Donbas

2 min read

The Ukrainian party is going to demand at a meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) on November 22 that the Russian Federation should dissolve all the institutions created as a result of the November 11 illegitimate elections in the occupied areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Iryna Gerashchenko, First Deputy Speaker of the Ukrainian parliament and and Ukraine's envoy to the TCG humanitarian subgroup Iryna Gerashchenko, has said.

"Today is the first meeting of the Minsk groups to be held since the conduct by Russia of the illegitimate elections in Russia's occupied Donbas. Ukraine and the entire civilized world do not recognize that farce… Today the Ukrainian party will voice its strong protest at a meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group against a blatant violation of the Minsk agreements. And it will demand Russia and its puppets in the occupied areas of Donbas immediately dissolve all the illegitimate institutions, all those 'parliaments' and 'governments,' which have not been officially recognized even by the Russian Federation itself," Gerashchenko wrote on Facebook on November 22.

She said that on November 22 the Ukrainian party is also going to immediately demand the fifth subgroup, for border issues, be created within the TCG so that "the Ukrainian border could be brought back under the Ukrainian control." Also, the Ukrainian party will immediately demand that the Zolote checkpoint be opened on the demarcation line.

Also, Gerashchenko said the meeting will look into the safety of drones belonging to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine and landmine security. "We expect the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine will be able to work in the entire territory of Ukraine, including the occupied areas of Donbas and Crimea," Gerashchenko added.