12:20 29.11.2017

BSEC should respond to Russian aggression – Parubiy

2 min read
BSEC should respond to Russian aggression – Parubiy

The aggression of the Russian Federation against the member countries of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) undermines the foundation of the organization's activity, Verkhovna Rada Speaker Andriy Parubiy has said and called for a respond to such actions.

"When one of the PABSEC member countries [the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation] conducts an aggressive policy, introduces occupying forces into the territory of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine - this undermines the very foundation and, I emphasize, the very philosophy of our organization's activities. We should jointly give an adequate response to such actions of the aggressor country," Parubiy said, opening the 50th General Assembly of the BSEC Parliamentary Assembly in Kyiv on Wednesday.

He noted that the security situation in the region is tense, and the reason is Russia's violation of the territorial integrity of a number of PABSEC countries, which contradicts the organization's charter.

The speaker added that the philosophy of the organization's activities is to promote the development of economic cooperation, the development of states and the well-being of citizens.

Parubiy reminded that leading countries of the world in connection with the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation imposed sanctions on it.

Thanking for such support, the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament said that sanctions against the aggressor should be continued and intensified until the full restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity both in Donbas and in Crimea.

"We need to be responsible and consolidated. Only together we are able to make those who neglect the constitutional principles of the organization respect the key principles of peaceful coexistence and good-neighborliness," Parubiy said.

He also added that the members of the General Assembly, in particular, will hold a discussion on the development of economic cooperation in the context of the security crisis in the Black Sea region.