10:47 13.11.2017

Avakov presents Interior Ministry Development Strategy until 2020

2 min read
Avakov presents Interior Ministry Development Strategy until 2020

The Interior Ministry Development Strategy until 2020, which was drafted for about six months with the involvement of the public and foreign partners, was presented at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on Wednesday, November 8, Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov has said.

According to him, the reform of the Interior Ministry is often seen as the introduction of patrol police, but the creation of this unit is only a small component in the general plan of changes and foresees a qualitative transformation of the entire system of law enforcement agencies.

"Police reform has not yet been completed, it continues. I think that we passed the way of police reform by 25-30%. The patrol police are only a part of the necessary changes. There are criminal police, public security police, and serious development should be received by the cyber police and other units of the National Police of Ukraine. This is a separate unit. In addition to it, we have civil security - the Emergency Situations Service - and others," Avakov said, adding that the fire safety system in Ukraine is in dire need of updating.

Avakov said that the process of reform requires a lot of effort and time.

"We need to do a lot, and this will not happen with the help of a magic wand. It's hard work," the minister said.

Avakov also noted that the Ukrainian society had begun to take with understanding the reform of the Interior Ministry, which is confirmed by a high level of confidence in interior bodies recorded by sociological research.