12:52 12.08.2017

One Ukrainian soldier killed, six injured on Friday

2 min read
One Ukrainian soldier killed, six injured on Friday

Militants fired 20 times at Ukrainian positions in the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) zone on Friday, as a result of which one serviceman was killed, three were wounded, and three more were injured, the press center of the ATO headquarters reported.

"Another activation of the Russian-occupation groups along the entire contact line in the ATO zone took place last night. Until 18.00, the enemy unsuccessfully tried to test almost all the fire weapons of our defenses in the Avdiyivka area, then in the evening the tension shifted to the Luhansk sector," the ATO headquarters said in a statement posted on their Facebook page on Saturday morning.

In the area of Schastia and Novotoshkivske militants several times used mortars and grenade launchers to shell the ATO positions. In addition, at night, they shelled the Ukrainian fortifications in the vicinity of Krymske for almost half an hour using 120-mm mortars.

In the coastal area, militants used mortars, grenade launchers and small arms to fire at the Ukrainian observation post near Lebedynske twice. Also armed provocations of the enemy were registered in the area of Maryinka.

In the Donetsk sector, around 21.00 one Ukrainian soldier was wounded as a result of the shelling of the ATO positions from grenade launchers and large-caliber machine guns on the outskirts of Avdiyivka. Servicemen of the Armed Forces promptly responded firing at the enemy positions.