Visa-free regime not included in EU parliament’s agenda in Nov

The draft agenda of the November 21-24 plenary sessions of the European parliament has not been included for voting on the abolition of visa requirements for Ukrainian citizens in November.
Earlier, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said he expects that the issue of granting visa-free regime to Ukraine can be voted by European MPs before the EU-Ukraine summit, which will take place on November 24.
As reported on September 5, the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs heard the report on the liberalization of the visa regime with Ukraine, and proposed to approve the proposal to include Ukraine in the list of countries with which the EU will introduce the visa-free travel regime.
On July 7, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of European Parliament voted to recommend to the European Parliament to abolish visa requirements for citizens of Ukraine, Georgia and Kosovo for short-term travel in the Schengen zone as soon as possible.
In particular, the abolition of short-term visas should be considered at a meeting of the parliamentary committee. It will then be taken up at the plenary session of the European Parliament and, finally, it should be approved by the EU Council (member states).
Delays in the approval of the issue may be related to the fact that the EU Council and the European Parliament must decide on the mechanism for suspending visa-free regimes.