10:57 12.09.2016

General situation along Ukraine contact line exacerbating again - JCCC

1 min read
General situation along Ukraine contact line exacerbating again - JCCC

As many as 214 attacks on Ukrainian army positions, populated localities and infrastructures by illegal armed units were observed in Donbas during the first ten days of September, the Ukrainian mission to the Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC) of ceasefire and stabilization on the contact line said.

"The Ukrainian mission to the JCCC was particularly concerned about the September 11 incident, when 122mm artillery systems were used against Ukrainian army positions in the Mariupol sector for the first time since the imposition of full ceasefire. Twelve artillery shells exploded in the area. In addition, JCCC monitors observed the use of 120mm and 82mm mortars (78 and 14 explosions, respectively) during that day," the press center of the army operation staff said on Facebook, quoting the Ukrainian mission to the JCCC.

According to the report, most shelling incidents were random and provocative, "seeking to prompt the Ukrainian army to return fire and to expose defenses."

The Ukrainian army strictly complies with the Minsk agreements and returns fire "exclusively in case of a risk to the life of servicemen and civilians and destruction of crucial infrastructures of the region," the Ukrainian mission to the JCCC said.