Russia may start full-scale military aggression against Ukraine or continue hybrid tactics

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov has said there are two possible scenarios of the continuation of Russia's aggression against Ukraine – a full-scale war or hybrid warfare.
"In the attempt to conquer Ukraine, one of two scenarios may be implemented both in short- and long-term," Turchynov said during the presentation of the Security and Defense Sector Information Center at the NSDC in Kyiv on Friday.
According to the NSDC secretary of Ukraine, the first scenario is the most dangerous one – the military scenario, namely, a full-scale military aggression, which is actually dangerous for the Kremlin itself, but something Russia is preparing to do all the same.
As the proof of his words, Turchynov quoted the information about Russia's drawing its armed units to the border with Ukraine and the militarization of Crimea.
"The second scenario is no less dangerous. This scenario is the so-called hybrid warfare, and it currently remains the most likely of the two. It involves the continuation of low-intensity hostilities in Donbas, but does not rule out the possibility of local offensives by Russian regular and irregular units, as well as subversive activities in the rest of country," the NSDC secretary of Ukraine said.
The "hybrid" scenario, with the continued violation of the Minsk Agreements, the shelling and attempts to destabilize the domestic situation in Ukraine, is "a dangerous format and, to our great regret, one that today is being actively considered," he said.
"So we must take into account today's problems, but also be ready for large-scale ones," the NSDC secretary said.