09:48 05.08.2016

Warsaw endorses new ambassador to Ukraine

1 min read
Warsaw endorses new ambassador to Ukraine

The Foreign Ministry of Poland has officially appointed publicist, director of the Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Foundation Jan Pieklo as their country's new ambassador to Ukraine.

"[Foreign] Minister Witold Waszczykowski today on behalf of the president presented the appointments to the new Polish ambassadors. Wlodzimierz Marciniak will represent Poland in Moscow, while Jan Pieklo will head the embassy in Kyiv," reads a statement posted on the Polish Foreign Ministry website on Thursday.

Earlier, Pieklo was approved as a candidat for the Polish ambassador to Kyiv by a relevant committee of the Sejm.

Since 2011, the Polish Embassy in Ukraine has been headed by Henryk Litwin. It is expected that Litwin's diplomatic mission will end in the second half of 2016.