Opposition Bloc demands Ukrainian authorities should curb corruption, stop censorship and lawlessness

The Opposition Bloc party has demanded the Ukrainian authorities heed conclusions made by the international community about corruption, justice system and freedom of speech in Ukraine and stop political prosecution of the opposition.
"Ukraine remains a non-free country dominated by corruption, censorship, and where there is no fair justice. High-profile murders of journalists and opposition figures still haven't been properly investigated and resolved. Attacks of political radicals on the offices of mass media have become usual practice," the party said in a statement published on Tuesday.
The Opposition Bloc said that according to a report on the results of the annual survey of the development of democracy "Nations in Transit 2016" published by Freedom House, Ukraine has problems with corruption, justice and freedom of the media and is a state with a hybrid political system. In particular, the progress in the fight against corruption, media freedom and justice remained at the level of 2013 and has not changed for three years.
"We urge the authorities to listen to the conclusions of the international community to stop political persecution of dissidents on trumped-up cases built on false testimony and hearsay. The current government is obliged to investigate all high-profile corruption scandals that have taken place over two and a half years of its governance," the party said.
In particular, the statement says Ukrainian society demands an answer about what happened to the hundreds of millions of dollars allocated for the construction of the so-called "Wall" on the border with Russia, whether an inquiry is carried out into the allegations by former head of State Financial Inspection Mykola Hordiyenko, who testified that the government embezzled UAH 7.6 billion, what is the progress of the investigation of the case on the leadership of Oschadbank making private flights at the state account and the unprofessional actions of the Justice Ministry, which resulted in Ukraine's debt of UAH 6.3 million. Also, the party noted the release of the management of Odesa Port-Side Chemical Plant from custody.
"The authorities will not be able to avoid answering these questions. All these high-profile cases will be investigated, if not by this government, then by the new one. The only way to stop the repressions, corruption and censorship is to hold the early elections. This is the only way Ukraine can get a new, professional government and really move along the path of democratic reforms," the Opposition Bloc said.