Ukraine receives five pickup trucks from U.S. Defense Department

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense has handed five Ford Ranger trucks to the National Guard of Ukraine.
The pickup truck are equipped with GPS-navigators, digital video recorders (DVRs), antennas for radios and the like, the press service of the National Guard reported on Friday.
"These are fantastic cars: fast, mobile, equipped with modern diesel engines. They can be used to move groups people, carrying small cargo. I think those who will receive them will be delighted..." the National Guard's press service quoted Lieutenant Andriy Biloshnichenko as saying.
A representative of the Parsons company Tal Brannan said that they are handing these cars and another eight Ford Transit minibuses to the National Guard to help it reduce threats. The Ford Transit minibuses are already being revamped to meet the tasks of defense and protection.
The pickup trucks have already left for the Ukrainian military units, where they will serve Ukraine's security.