12:56 15.03.2016

Medvedchuk plan for Donbas is surreal – Ukraine's Donbas peace group's envoy

1 min read
Medvedchuk plan for Donbas is surreal – Ukraine's Donbas peace group's envoy

Ukraine's representative in the political subgroup of the Trilateral Contact Group on Donbas Roman Bezsmertny does not take seriously the so-called Medvedchuk's plan, which would establish regional administrations in occupied areas of Luhansk and Donetsk regions headed by people acceptable to Kyiv and Moscow.

"We have become hostages of prominent names. I can remember the Morel plan, and now we have the Medvedchuk plan. There was no Morel plan. And there cannot be any Medvedchuk plan. Isn't it obvious that if Vladimir Putin is on one hand side of the negotiating table and Petro Poroshenko on the other, these so-called plans are not germane?" Bezsmertny said. He made the remarks during an interview with the Ukrainian bureau of Radio Free Libery/Radio Europe on March 14.