Intellectuals, politicians asking European leaders to help free Savchenko

More than 2,000 people including well-known artists, politicians and intellectuals from different countries have signed an open letter to European leaders, which contains the call to help the release of Ukrainian pilot and MP Nadia Savchenko, who was kidnapped and has been imprisoned in Russia for over 20 months.
"We appeal to you to take emergency measures with the goal of the immediate and unconditional release of 34-year-old Nadia Savchenko, a Ukrainian citizen, kidnapped and imprisoned for more than twenty months in the Russian Federation," the letter reads.
The document says that the Russian authorities "have made a mockery of civil rights, international law, and their own Constitution." They show disdain for the international community and the Minsk agreements.
"So far, all efforts of the international community have proven unsuccessful. On March 4, in protest against the proceedings of the Russian court, Nadia Savchenko announced a full hunger strike, refusing even liquids. Our ability to save her life will test the effectiveness of international diplomacy and our commitment to European values," the petition says.
As of March 7, the document has already been signed by over 2000 people, including the following prominent artists, politicians and intellectuals: Nobel Prize Winner in Literature (Belarus) writer Svitlana Aleksievich; Nobel prize in Literature (Austria) writer Elfriede Jelinek; Member if the European Parliament ALDE Vice President (Lithuania) Petras Austrevicius; Polish writer and critic Bogumiła Berdychowska; French philosopher Pascal Bruckner; MP of the Bundestag (2009-2013) Viola von Cramon; Dutch writer Adriaan van Dis; minister at Vaclav Havel Presidency; former Ambassador of Czech Repbulic to Russian Federation Lubos Dobrovsky; Professor of Cultural Theory and Russian Literature, Emory University, Atlanta, USA Mikhail Epstein; French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy; professor Karl University (Czech Republic) Tomas Halik; violinist and founder of Kremerata Baltica chamber orchestra Gidon Kremer; writer, President of the Bavarian Academy of the Fine Arts in München (Germany) Michael Krüger; journalist (UK) Peter Pomerantsev; Editor of Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin (Germany) Katharina Raabe; Professor for East European History, Berlin (Germany) Karl Schlögel; President of the Group of Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the European Parliament, former Prime Minister of Belgium (Belgium) Guy Verhofstadt and many others.
The letter has can be signed at