09:49 29.01.2016

Kyiv ready to file claim against Russia's violation of UN convention on law of sea, no political decision of authorities

2 min read
Kyiv ready to file claim against Russia's violation of UN convention on law of sea, no political decision of authorities

The materials for filing claims to international courts by Ukraine against Russia's violation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea due to the annexation of Crimea have been drawn up and only the political decision of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is left to launch the process, Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine for European Integration Olena Zerkal has said.

"In October 2015, the Ukrainian delegation proposed that consultations are held with Russia, but there is still no response. This does not stop us in preparing the claim. We've been doing this recently. Now we're at the final stage of the preparations," she said in an interview with ZN.UA (Dzerkalo Tyzhnia. Ukraine).

She said that all claims of Ukraine could be narrowed down to four key points.

"First, the seizure of fields with mineral reserves and illegal oil and gas on the continental shelf of Ukraine in the Black Sea. Secondly, the unlawful seizure of power to regulate fish catch, unlawful fish catch and not allowing Ukrainian fishing companies to catch fish in the offshore zone near the Crimean peninsula. Third, construction of a gas pipeline, a power line and a bridge across the Kerch Strait without the consent of Ukraine, the unlawful blocking of transit of Ukrainian vessels across the Kerch Strait and the unlawful seizure of navigation rights. Fourth, the conducting of studies of archeological and historical sites in the Black Sea bed without the consent of Ukraine," Zerkal said.

She said that these are key points and Ukraine could expand the list of claims.

Zerkal said that in the past 18 months the ministry was collecting information on the infringements and drawing up the claim and all materials that are to be submitted to court.

She said that Poroshenko at the latest conference clearly formed his position regarding the issue that the interests and rights of Ukraine violated due to the annexation of Crimea and Russia's aggression Ukraine will protect in international courts.