Votings in Mariupol, Krasnoarmiysk meet law – ENEMO

The mission of the European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) has said that votings in Mariupol and Krasnoarmiysk on November 29 were carried in accordance with the law, with no frustrations registered.
"Votings in Mariupol and Krasnoarmiysk were mainly well-ordered, in line with the law and without frustration," reads the ENEMO report posted on Monday.
The international observers also stressed that attendance of the voters on that day was "higher than average in the second tour of elections at the local elections" that indicates an interest of the electors.
However, a high level of substitution of the members of territorial election commissions and district election commissions in some cases even ahead of the voting "caused uncertainty and delay in the work of the members of the commissions."
Among other drawbacks of the elections on November 29, ENEMO also said that there was no information about voting procedures and candidates at the majority of visited district election commissions; plus unclear statements of the law on local elections and administrative distribution caused coincidence of the borders of the elections districts at the voting stations.
ENEMO sent three teams of long-term observers for the local elections in Mariupol and Krasnoarmiysk.