13:22 06.10.2015

NATO Secretary General says situation in Ukraine remains fragile but welcomes Normandy Four's efforts to resolve crisis

1 min read
NATO Secretary General says situation in Ukraine remains fragile but welcomes Normandy Four's efforts to resolve crisis

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said welcomed the efforts of the Normandy Four leaders to find a solution to the conflict in Donbas.

"The situation remains fragile but there are also signs of progress. I welcome the renewed efforts made by the leaders of the 'Normandy Format' in Paris to fully implement the Minsk agreements. The understanding to postpone the elections planned by the separatists is a positive step. Any election must be held under Ukrainian law," he said at a press conference in Brussels.

According to Stoltenberg, the ceasefire is holding and is in fact being strengthened.

"The parties have announced that they will pull back tanks and other weapons from the contact line. This creates hope and a momentum," he said.

Stoltenberg said Russia has a special responsibility for the implementation of the Minsk agreements as "Russia continues to support the separatists and to destabilize eastern Ukraine."