17:10 27.05.2015

Batkivschyna says Tymoshenko is being discredited over position on tariffs, indexation

1 min read
Batkivschyna says Tymoshenko is being discredited over position on tariffs, indexation

The Batkivschyna Party has said its leader Yulia Tymoshenko is being discredited due to her position on tariffs and indexation.

"Today several respected online publications have presented reports containing information that allegedly Yulia Tymoshenko used the funds provided by Russia's Vnesheconombank in the president election campaign of 2010. The free-and-easy accusations in the titles of the reports are confirmed by no texts, which have the following words "allege," "according to sources close to…" and so on," reads the statement issued by Batkivschyna on Wednesday.

"Batkivschyna Party believes that the publications are the consequence of the effective and successful fight of Yulia Tymoshenko for the market, not corrupted utilities tariffs, for the indexation of social payments, which is the direct legislative liability of the government, and they are the result of the position of Batkivschyna Party in the parliament in fighting corrupted lobbying, criticizing the irresponsible staff policy and some other political initiatives of the party aimed at preventing looting and blackmail by officials," reads the statement.

The party said these attempts to discredit the party are nonsense and Batkivschyna will continue to fight for good living standards for Ukrainians.