10:48 29.07.2014

Yatseniuk promises to allocate additional funds for army, even without parliament passing necessary amendments to budget

2 min read
Yatseniuk promises to allocate additional funds for army, even without parliament passing necessary amendments to budget

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said he hoped the parliament would pass amendments to the state budget to increase army financing at an unscheduled meeting on July 31 and if not, he promised to allocate the funds without a relevant bill.

"If deputies do not vote for the bills, I will do everything to finance the army and to fill up tanks, whatever prosecutor tells me afterwards, I will do this even without a bill, no other option exists, I will sign the resolution," Yatseniuk said on air of the Svoboda Slova (Freedom of Speech) program at the ICTV on July 27.

Active work is currently being held with deputies so that bills proposed by the government are passed in the Verkhovna Rada, the prime minister said.

"We had a meeting with the president, parliament head and faction leaders on Friday. I am personally on the telephone now and calling deputies, who could give their vote," Yatseniuk said.

Yatseniuk said that his request to resign was not an emotional decision and that he realized the consequences but did not see another way out but to resign amid the situation, which existed at the moment.

"I learnt about the coalition collapse at TV realizing that after the coalition broke down deputies will not vote under gun barrel for bills proposed by the government and I made a choice," Yatseniuk said.