Ex-first deputy prosecutor general of Ukraine Kuzmin on wanted list

The Interior Ministry of Ukraine has issued a wanted note on the former first deputy prosecutor general, Renat Kuzmin.
Kuzmin is accused under Part 1, Article 371 of the Criminal Code (deliberately illegal arrest or illegally bringing to court), the ministry reported on its Web site. The article foresees punishment in a form of deprival of the right to hold definite posts or deal with definite activities for a term up to five years, or imprisonment for a three-year term.
The ministry refers to the court's order that permits to detain with an aim of bringing to the court. According to police, Kuzmin disappeared on June 1, 2014.
He ran for president at the early presidential elections on May 25, 2014.
As deputy prosecutor general, Kuzmin dealt with the investigations in the criminal cases against ex-premier of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko.