Italy urges Ukraine to investigate Italian reporter's death

Italy has urged Ukraine to investigate the death of the Italian reporter, Andrea Rocchelli, the Italian Foreign Ministry said on its Web site.
"We urge the Ukrainian authorities to track down the dynamics of the attack which killed Andrea Rocchelli," says a posting on the Italian Foreign Ministry's Web site.
Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini expressed regret and conveyed condolences to the reporter's and his interpreter Andrei Mironov's families, and wished an early recovery to the wounded French journalist William Roguelon.
"We remain hopeful following this tragedy that today's presidential elections will put Ukraine on a track of national reconciliation," the Italian foreign minister said.
Foreign media reported that the body of the Italian journalist, the first foreign journalist to have been killed in Ukraine, will be transported to Kyiv.
Reports said earlier that foreign journalists came under fire outside Slov i ansk. The Italian and his interpreter, a Russian national, were killed. The Italian reporter's death has been confirmed by the Ukrainian Interior Ministry. No official confirmation of the Russian interpreter's death has been released. Reports about the wounded French reporter were confirmed by the French Embassy in Kyiv.