14:01 20.05.2014

Akhmetov's "Peace March" in Donetsk took 20 minutes

1 min read

The so-called Peace March held in the stadium Donbas-Arena in central Donetsk on Tuesday went on without incidents.

A signal symbolizing Donbas residents' support for a peaceful life in Donetsk was given at noon Kyiv time. The organizers of the march said beeps will be given in all of the city's enterprises daily.

The passing cars also beeped their horns, to support the "peace" beep.

On the Donbas-Arena stadium, march participants were shown a televised address made by Rinat Akhmetov to Donetsk residents on May 19. Another "peace beep" was given at the stadium after the broadcast.

The march lasted some twenty minutes. After it was over, the participants got into buses and left.

According to the organizers, there were workers of the holding SСM controlled by Akhmetov among the "peace march" participants.