Tymoshenko: 'combat capable' volunteer army should be formed in Ukraine

Ukrainian presidential candidate Yulia Tymoshenko has suggested her action plan to deal with the current situation in the country.
"Today we need an action plan to secure a way out of this situation. In my opinion, this plan should consist of only four points. First, in the absence of a combat capable army, in the absence of a combat capable police service and the Security Service of Ukraine in the form in which we need them today, we need to rally people who are able to fight, we need to create a volunteer army," she told Ukraine's ICTV television station on Monday evening.
All of the state's resources should now be focused on supporting such a volunteer army and maintaining its combat potential, Tymoshenko said.
"The third point of my plan, which we need to put into practice, is to immediately launch negotiations by the world democratic community at a totally different level and with a different degree of toughness," she said.
Since Ukraine's security guarantees have not been observed, it is necessary to take tighter measures and switch from financial and economic sanctions to asking the international community to defend Ukraine's territory through military action, Tymoshenko said.
No effort should be spared to maintain peace and security in the country and prevent any confrontations between Ukrainians, she said.
"This is my plan, which will start to be implemented in parliament tomorrow," Tymoshenko said.