10:39 28.04.2014

OSCE chair calls for immediate release of abducted military inspectors

1 min read

OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter has condemned the detention of a group of military inspectors from OSCE participating states, calling for their immediate release and hoping for respective signals from Moscow, the OSCE said in a statement on April 27.

According to the statement, the release of one military inspector for health reasons is a "positive step."

"The OSCE continues to work at all levels – through the Special Monitoring Mission on the ground in Ukraine as well as through high-level political contacts – to assist for the release of all the detained persons," Burkhalter said.

However, he expressed his expectation that "Russia's signals of support, which are crucial, would rapidly translate into progress in this regard."

Burkhalter also thanked the participating states and all international partners for their support in the OSCE's efforts for the release of the detained persons.

He called upon all sides, particularly upon all signatories of the Geneva Statement, "to actively contribute to conditions which allow for effective implementation of the Geneva measures."