16:49 24.04.2014

Ukraine has right to take lawful actions to protect its sovereignty, territorial integrity – Ashton's spokesperson

2 min read

The EU has again said that it trusts the Ukrainian leadership in the matter of protecting the country's sovereignty and called on all parties to implement the Geneva agreements.

The spokesman for European diplomacy chief Catherine Ashton, Michael Mann, said this in Brussels on Thursday responding to a question about whether the anti-terrorist operation, which is conducted in Ukraine, complies with the agreements reached in Geneva.

He said Brussels has full confidence in the Ukrainian leadership in terms of meeting the terms of the agreement. The EU recognizes Ukraine's right to take lawful actions to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Mann said adding that all parties to the Geneva agreements must do everything possible to de-escalate the situation.

When asked by journalists to comment on the statement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the possible use of force against Ukraine if there is an attack on Russian citizens, the European diplomat noted the statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton released on Thursday which contains an appeal to all parties to the Geneva agreements (the United States, Russia, Ukraine, and the EU) to seek a solution to de-escalate the situation.

He called on all parties to respect the agreements and to settle the situation exclusively through diplomatic means.