19:24 04.03.2014

Kerry calls Russia's action invasion of Ukraine

1 min read
Kerry calls Russia's action invasion of Ukraine

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has called Russia's actions an invasion of the territory of Ukraine.

At a press conference in Kyiv on Tuesday he praised the restraint shown by Ukraine's interim government in the face of the Russian invasion.

"We all greatly admire the restraint that the transitional government has shown… They have shown restraint, despite the invasion of the Ukrainian homeland, and a Russian government that has chosen intimidations," Kerry said.

Kerry said that that the claims used by Russia to justify their actions about the alleged attack on a church in the east of Ukraine as well as the alleged attempts of the Ukrainian authorities to destabilize satiation in Crimes were untrue.

"They would have you believe that Kyiv is trying to destabilize Crimea... not a single piece of credible evidence supports any one of these claims," he said.

He commended Ukrainian servicemen in Crimea, who did not react to provocations, though they were surrounded by troops which invaded their country.