20:47 25.01.2014

Yanukovych offers premier's post to Yatseniuk

1 min read
Yanukovych offers premier's post to Yatseniuk

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych on Saturday evening offered the post of prime minister to Batkivschyna parliamentary faction Arseniy Yatseniuk, the president's office said, citing Justice Minister Olena Lukash.

Yanukovych also offered the office of deputy prime minister for humanitarian affairs to another opposition leader, Vitali Klitschko, who heads the UDAR party.

Lukash said that, if Yatseniuk accepted the offer, Yanukovych would dismiss the current government of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov.

The offers were made during talks in Kyiv between Yanukovych and opposition leaders.

"To launch a wide-scale public dialogue, the Ukrainian president suggested challenged Vitali Klitschko to meet him in a public debate. Klitschko agreed," Lukash said.