12:26 08.01.2014

US Senate urges Ukraine not to use force against protesters

2 min read
US Senate urges Ukraine not to use force against protesters

The U.S. Senate has passed a resolution calling on the Ukrainian authorities to refrain from using force against peaceful protesters and pointed to the possible consideration of sanctions in the event of further violence.

"In the event of further state violence against peaceful protestors, the President and Congress should consider whether to apply targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against individuals responsible for ordering or carrying out the violence," reads a resolution posted on the Web site of the U.S. Congress.

The resolution also states that the U.S. Senate "stands with the people of Ukraine and supports their sovereign right to chart an independent and democratic future for their country."

The Senate also urged leaders in the United States and the European Union to continue working together actively to support a peaceful and democratic resolution to the current crisis in Ukraine.

In its resolution, the U.S. Senate also "encourages demonstrators and members of the opposition and civil society in Ukraine to continue avoiding the use of violence and engage in a dialogue of national reconciliation."

The resolution notes that the Senate calls on "all political parties to refrain from hate speech or actions of an anti-Semitic or other character which further divide the Ukrainian people when they need to be united."

The senators condemned the crackdowns on peaceful protesters by the Ukrainian authorities on November 30, December 1 and December 11, 2013, calling for those responsible to be swiftly brought to justice and for all detained nonviolent demonstrators to be immediately released.