Opposition to field single candidates at repeat parliamentary elections

Ukraine's opposition parties have decided to put forward single candidates in two of the five single-seat districts in which repeat election to the Ukrainian parliament will be held on December 15.
In a joint statement of the opposition forces published on the Web site of the Batkivschyna party on Thursday, they said that they would field single candidates in constituencies No. 94 and No. 223.
Andriy Lozovy, who proved himself during the organization of Euromaidan, will run from the opposition in constituency No. 94, according to the statement.
The opposition will nominate Yuriy Levchenko of the Svoboda party for constituency No. 223.
In its statement the opposition urged Ukrainians to come to the polls on December 15 and to vote for their single candidate in each district - Andriy Lozovy in constituency No. 94, Arkadiy Kornatsky in constituency No. 132, Mykola Bulatetsky in constituency No. 194, Leonid Datsenko in constituency No. 197, and Yuriy Levchenko in constituency No. 223.