04:01 10.12.2013

Berkut riot police destroy protesters' roadblock on Luteranska Street, injuries reported

1 min read
Berkut riot police destroy protesters' roadblock on Luteranska Street, injuries reported

Berkut riot police and police officers have launched an offensive against protesters at the roadblock at the corner of Luteranska and Bankova Streets.

Provocateurs, who penetrated into the ranks of the protesters, are threatening with sticks and have already used tear gas against the police, Hromadske.TV said. Law enforcers are using shields to push protesters from the roadblock towards barricades.

Protesters' tent city on Luteranska Street has been destroyed.

Yet, unidentified people in civilian clothes being safeguarded by the police have been dismantling the barricades in the street. They are hiding their faces from cameras.

Chief of Kyiv's Berkut riot police Serhiy Kusiuk has been seen at the site.

Svoboda Party leader Oleh Tiahnybok, who has joined the stand-off, says that the retreat wasn't without bloodshed for protesters and there were injuries among police officers. "There are injuries and casualties," he said in the air of Hromadske.TV. Yet, he said he had no detailed information about the casualties.

The commandant of the destroyed tent city says that the forces were not equal: there were about fifty protesters at the roadblock, while the police numbered a few thousand men.