11:23 21.11.2013

Rada votes down all bills on allowing Tymoshenko's medical treatment abroad

2 min read
Rada votes down all bills on allowing Tymoshenko's medical treatment abroad

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has voted down six bills, which would allow the medical treatment of former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko abroad.

None of the six bills received more than 195 votes at a plenary meeting on Thursday, because the factions of the Party of Regions and the Communist Party of Ukraine didn't take part in voting.

As reported, six bills that would make it possible for former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko to travel abroad to receive medical treatment were registered in Ukraine's parliament.

The bill proposed by the leaders of the three opposition factions - Arseniy Yatseniuk of the Batkivschyna faction, Vitali Klitschko of the UDAR and Oleh Tiahnybok of the Svoboda all-Ukrainian Union - provides for the release of Tymoshenko and the quashing of her criminal conviction.

The parliament also registered a bill by independent MP Serhiy Mischenko on an amendment of the Penal Code, one by independent MP Anzhelika Labunska on an amendment to Article 84 of the Criminal Code on the possibility of treatment of prisoners abroad, and one by independent MP Volodymyr Kupchak on the humanization of the legislation on pre-trial detention and ensuring the constitutional rights and freedoms of prisoners.

The Verkhovna Rada failed to reach a compromise on November 7 concerning the bill that would allow Tymoshenko to go abroad for medical treatment, despite the participation in the consultation of observers from the European Parliament Alexander Kwasniewski and Pat Cox.

On November 8, the parliament set up a working group that failed to produce a single compromise bill dealing with Tymoshenko's issue.

On November 12, independent MP Oleh Liashko registered in the Verkhovna Rada a bill on the release of Yulia Tymoshenko from serving her punishment.

The opposition also submitted the bill on amendments to some laws of Ukraine on the principles of humanism in performing certain types of punishment.

Kwasniewski and Cox were present in the parliament's session hall on Thursday.

The solution of Tymoshenko's issue is one of the requirements for the signing of the association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius on November 28-29.