Over 400 police officers to maintain order in Uman during pilgrimage of Hasidic Jews

Over 400 police officers will be involved in maintaining public order during an annual religious pilgrimage of Hasidic Jews to Uman (Cherkasy region), the media liaisons department of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry reported on Wednesday.
Ukrainian Deputy Interior Minister Viktor Ratushniak said this at a meeting with Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Reuven Dinel and Security Attache at the Israeli Embassy in Ukraine Roi Alkorat.
From September 4 to September 6 in Uman, Hasidic Jews will hold annual religious events at the grave of their spiritual leader Reb Nachman and in the building of a local synagogue on the occasion of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year).
Ratushniak said that interior bodies had been entrusted with one of the main objectives – maintaining public order and safety during the annual religious pilgrimage. Over 400 police officers will be involved in ensuring public order, he said. Cooperation between Ukraine and Israeli police officers plays an important role in maintaining order during the events, he added.