14:47 04.06.2013

Miroshnychenko: Yanukovych ready to personally present his annual address in parliament

1 min read

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych is ready to personally present his annual address to parliament in the parliament building, the president's permanent representative in parliament, Party of Regions MP Yuriy Miroshnychenko, has said.

"[The text of] the president's address is in the Verkhovna Rada. The president expressed its readiness to present it personally, of course, in the format of his own speech, rather than reading out the whole text, as the text is extensive, and it's physically impossible to read out it in a plenary mode," he said at a press briefing on Tuesday.

He said whether the president delivered his speech in parliament personally would depend on MPs.

"Is the opposition ready to give the president the opportunity to speak?" he added.

"This question still remains open. We have currently received no constructive proposals from the opposition," Miroshnychenko said.