14:16 31.10.2012

Public Control Commission head plans to visit Razvozzhayev in prison

3 min read
Public Control Commission head plans to visit Razvozzhayev in prison

Valery Borshchyov, the head of the Moscow Public Control Commission and a member of the Moscow Helsinki Group, plans once again to visit Leonid Razvozzhayev, an opposition activist and an aide to State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomaryov, at the Lefortovo detention center.

Razvozzhayev earlier claimed that he was abducted in Ukraine and tortured.

"We are worried about his fate," Borshchyov told Interfax.

Razvozzhayev will be visited by four members of the Public Control Commission, which is entitled to visit detention facilities without anyone's sanction.

"We want to see whether he is being pressured by the investigation or the detention facility staff and in what condition he is. We understand that he has made a risky statement, and the situation requires public control," Borshchyov said.

Public Control Commission members visited Razvozzhayev in Lefortovo for the first time on October 23. Then the opposition activist told the rights activists that he had been abducted in Ukraine, forcibly brought back to Moscow and forced to confess to the crimes he had earlier been charged with.

Meanwhile, members of the Presidential Human Rights Council also expect to meet with Razvozzhayev.

The Human Rights Council reported on its website on Wednesday that it had obtained a report by the Public Control Commission on visiting Razvozzhayev in Lefortovo.

"We will analyze this report, but we will continue seeking to visit Razvozzhayev to hear everything from his own lips," Human Rights Council head Mikhail Fedotov told Interfax on Wednesday.

A criminal case against Left Front coordinator Udaltsov, his aide Lebedev and Razvozzhayev, who is an aide to State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomaryov, was opened on October 17.

The three have been charged with preparing mass disorder, a crime covered by Criminal Code Articles 30 and 212, based on the documentary film Anatomy of Protest-2 shown by NTV on October 5.

Udaltsov and Lebedev were shortly summoned for questioning to the Investigative Committee, and their apartments were searched. Lebedev has been arrested at least until December 16, and Udaltsov was let free with travel restrictions.

Razvozzhayev was not found and was declared wanted. State Duma deputy Ponomaryov announced on October 21 that his aide had been detained in Kyiv and transported to Moscow. The Investigative Committee claimed that Razvozzhayev had voluntarily turned himself in to the Investigative Committee and confessed to what he had been charged with.

Valery Borshchyov, the chairman of the Moscow Public Control Commission and a member of the Moscow Helsinki Group, told Interfax after meeting Razvozzhayev at a detention facility that he had been abducted in Ukraine and forced to file a confession.

The Investigative Committee said Razvozzhayev did not officially declare that he had been tortured. At the same time, the committee said it would look into the allegations, including media reports, that Razvozzhayev could have been tortured.

Razvozzhayev officially retracted his confessions on October 25. Feigin said after meeting Razvozzhayev at the detention facility that he signed a statement retracting his confessions as those made under pressure. In addition, Razvozzhayev filed a petition demanding that a criminal investigation be opened into his abduction in Ukraine, where he was reportedly seeking political asylum.