12:13 12.10.2012

Some 30% of Ukrainian population actively use Internet, says Ukrainian Internet Association

1 min read

The share of active Internet users in Ukraine has reached 30% of the population, Deputy Chair of the Ukrainian Internet Association Tetiana Popova said at the third annual Telecom Innovation Forum 2012 in Kyiv on Friday.

"Some 30% of the population are active users of the Internet today," she said.

Meanwhile, according to Popova, more than 60% of the population in Europe are Internet users. The expert forecast that Ukraine could reach such index in a year and a half.

In general, 48% of Internet users in Ukraine are over 15 years old, and some 51% of this category of the population have access to the Internet, Popova added.

As reported, according to a survey conducted by the InMind Company by order of the Ukrainian Internet Association, some 8.7 million of Ukrainians over 15 years old, which is 19% of the country's population, used the Internet in early October 2010.

The Ukrainian Internet Association was set up in 2000 to consolidate efforts of all sides interested in development of the Internet in Ukraine. The association includes 76 members today.