Teixeira: Ukraine's EU integration suspended, association agreement unlikely to be signed

Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Jose Manuel Pinto Teixeira has said he believes that the EU-Ukraine association agreement is unlikely to be signed in the current situation.
"I think that in the current circumstances it will be very difficult to sign the association agreement. I would like to remind you that the signing of this agreement requires the consent of all EU countries. But many EU countries now don't want to sign this document in view of the current situation in Ukraine," the diplomat said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
Teixeira noted that the EU expected and expects Ukraine to resolve the situation with politically motivated criminal cases, hold fair elections, and introduce reforms.
"The EU should see that Ukraine is really conducting the necessary reforms. However, now we see no progress in the fulfillment of these conditions. The issues that are of concern to the EU, particularly the electoral law and the non-participation of opposition leaders in the elections, remain relevant, but the decision on this matter will be taken at a meeting of the EU Council of Ministers," the ambassador said.
"I cannot predict what this decision will be, but under the current conditions the association agreement is unlikely to be signed," he added.
As for Kyiv's hopes to sign the document with the EU after the elections before the end of this year, the diplomat said that everything would depend on the fulfillment of the abovementioned conditions.
"If these conditions are met, then there will be a chance of signing the agreement. It's hard to expect that the agreement will be signed if the situation does not change in the country," he said.
The ambassador also said that he was leaving Ukraine with a feeling of disappointment.
"When I came to Ukraine four years ago, I thought that this country was actively traveling the path of European integration, and I was full of enthusiasm to make my contribution and support your country on this path. However, the process of Ukraine's European integration has in fact been suspended. So I have a feeling of disappointment and regret," he said.