16:12 13.01.2022

Shmyhal instructs Economy Ministry to create roadmap for corporatization of state enterprises for 2022

1 min read
Shmyhal instructs Economy Ministry to create roadmap for corporatization of state enterprises for 2022

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal has instructed the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine to create a roadmap for the corporatization of state-owned enterprises for 2022.

"The government continues to move towards reducing the role of the state in the economy. Last year, the Great Privatization project was unblocked. We also resumed the work of the nomination committee. These important steps allow us to move on and significantly accelerate privatization and corporatization in 2022," he said.

The prime minister instructed the Ministry of Economy, together with the responsible departments, to prepare a list of state property that will be transferred for privatization, as well as to create a roadmap for 2022 on corporatization of state-owned enterprises.

In addition, he stressed that all financial plans of state enterprises for 2022 must be approved within a month.