10:33 20.07.2021

First thousand land transactions signed in Ukraine - Agrarian Policy Ministry

2 min read
First thousand land transactions signed in Ukraine - Agrarian Policy Ministry

Since the launch of the land market on July 1 and as of the morning of July 19, some 1,107 land transactions have been carried out in Ukraine for agricultural plots with a total area of 1,530 hectares, the leaders in terms of the number of contracts concluded are Poltava and Kharkiv regions, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food said on its website.

It is specified that in terms of the total area of land plots sold, Poltava region is leading with 351.3 hectares, followed by Kharkiv (237.2 hectares), Vinnytsia (132.8 hectares), Kyiv (106.8 hectares) and Dnipropetrovsk (81.6 ha) regions.

The ministry adds that since the launch of the land market, 3,800 applications have been received from notaries for access to the State Land Cadastre in order to online check the legality of the purchase of land plots. Of these, 3,730 have been agreed, 20 are in the queue for consideration, 490 are denied access. In total, there are over 6,000 notaries in the country.

As reported, the agricultural land market launched in Ukraine as part of the government's land reform began operating on July 1. At the first stage of the reform, only citizens of the country will be able to buy and sell land plots. One individual will be able to have at his disposal no more than 100 hectares.

The right to acquire agricultural land on January 1, 2024 will be given to legal entities created in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, while the ultimate beneficiary of one or several legal entities will be able to consolidate through them in aggregate no more than 10,000 hectares.